The newest speculative project to arise from Biotranslab, Trans.Organ.on.a.Chip seeks to blur the boundaries of categorized life and to dilute the lines of sexual differentiation. The project implements performance as experiential access to other knowledges in order to convey the immense bio-complexity of life, using speculation to escape its capitalization. This hybrid performance traces the symbiotic intra-actions responsible in the creation of life, the hormones that supposedly circulate as a transit to a binomial static determinism. To critique this categorization we must construct a transitional fissure that allows us to rethink and reimagine trans-species trans-sexualities. The trans-material organism unavoidably challenges the biopolitical dimension of the term “species” and the process of speciation. Therefore the performance will evoke a transient state of ecstasy, in the literal sense, ‘to stand outside of oneself’. The body becomes the interface that must be surpassed for the Witch to become “a walker between worlds,” where the disembodied self, (soul, mind, and psyche) can coalesce with supernal entities and assume an alternative identity by switching gender at the molecular level where hormones interact. A hybrid entity between microfluidic device and a bioreactor, Trans.Organ.on.a.Chip is built into an experimental setup that has different cavities to hold human-plant cells, hormones, plants and cyanobacteria extracts. The hybrid chip is immersed with the coevolution of macro molecules of cells that evolve in dependence of each other, rather than towards an approximation to a fitness optimum. This coevolution of cells, hormones and novel culture media is made of polysacaride extraction of cyanobacteria Spirulina, new living media that not only speculates about possible futures but also allows the resource to be used in the most sustainable metabolic pathway. By focusing on the use of this ancient microorganism as a green chemistry tool that prevents the growth of carcinogens, we enact the process of decolonizing western medicine and reductionist science. Every micro fluidic interaction will be projected through a DIWO (do-it-with-others) microscope to have a macro vision from the micro interactions, micro-macro-pleasures-in-action.
Design process:
Started at Biofabbing Convergence Fabrications & Fabulations at CERN in 2017,
the future of trans organs on a chip is coming to a space near you.
Externalized Organs for Exploration
Gonadrian Dissolution
Inspiration:The Trans Organs on a Chip is a project within BIO-reSEARCH, the Pechblenda tentacles, mixed with AnarchaGland & BiotranshLab.
The Trans Organs on a Chip is a project within BIO-reSEARCH, the Pechblenda tentacles that is oriented in a wide angle of actions that finally concern to the realization of Experiments, prototypes and use full technologies in order to have access to them. During the last years have been developed multiple technologies Pechblenda is one of the autonomous laboratories that experiment with aspects bio.electro.chemical and investigations for the development of strategies that reinforce the degree of “autonomy”. .Biohacking network, Hackteria as transhackfeminist biohacker network, we have not stopped doing together and collaborating with the extended network.
Version one started at CERN (CH) late night at the Biofabbing Convergence (May 2017), then continued at the Co-Lab Microfluidics Workshop Featuring Digital Microfluidics and Cell Squeezers! (June 2017) by the Open Science School at CRI in Paris (FR).
The project was an idea of Paula Pin and has been joined by many others who have been interested.
TransOrgansOnAChip was selected at EMARE/EMAP and was continuing developing between Bandit Mages, Gaudi Labs and the CyanoVan Mobile lab
The piece was exhibited at chateau de Eau